29 NOV 2016 by ideonexus
Earthseed 21-30
21. What a living world will demand There is no endTo what a living worldWill demand of you. ∞ = Δ 22. Earthlife We are Earthseed. We are flesh—self aware,questing, problem-solving flesh. We are thataspect of Earthlife best able to shape Godknowingly. We are Earthlife maturing, Earthlifepreparing to fall away from the parent world.We are Earthlife preparing to take root innew ground, Earthlife fulfilling its purpose,its promise, its Destiny. ∞ = Δ 23. A Phoenix In order to riseFrom i...Folksonomies: earthseed
Folksonomies: earthseed
24 JAN 2015 by ideonexus
Life with Metabolism VS Replication
It is logically possible to postulate organisms composed of pure hardware, capable of metabolism but incapable of replication. It is possible to postulate organisms composed of pure software, capable of replication but incapable of metabolism. And if the functions of life are separated in this fashion, it is to be expected that the latter type of organism will become an obligatory parasite upon the former. This logical analysis of the functions of life helps to explain and to correct the bias...24 OCT 2013 by ideonexus
Make Mistakes
For evolution, which knows nothing, the steps into novelty are blindly taken by mutations, which are random copying “errors” in DNA. Most of these typographical errors are of no consequence, since nothing reads them! They are as inconsequential as the rough drafts you didn’t, or don’t, hand in to the teacher for grading. The DNA of a species is rather like a recipe for building a new body, and most of the DNA is never actually consulted in the building process. (It is often called “...Evolution makes them all the time, and look what it has produced. Appreciate your mistakes, view them as works of art.